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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Digital marketing involves use of focussed Marketing using channels like social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram etc.), search engines, websites, emails and mobile application to build connections for business to business (B2B), customer to customer (C2C) and business to customer (B2C) platforms. Digital Marketing mainly involves the use of mobile, tablet, laptop and desktop devices.
Customers today are more knowledgeable and hooked to online platforms. Customers today also gain most of their information through smart devices. Therefore, any business will definitely benefit from digital marketing as use of right digital marketing strategy will not only help to reach your customers effectively it will help your business to be connected with them all the time and also listen to their needs and wants.
Website that are static and do not update new content for longer periods are unlikely to perform well and remain less efficient to support any digital marketing objectives. A static page website qualifies as a online marketing tool, but it is more like a digital brochure and is less effective for content marketing or lead generation.
Most of the customer prospects today spend majority of their time using a smartphone. Mobile marketing has become essential and core to achieving digital marketing success. A brand that ignores mobile marketing is bound to fall behind its competitors in the long run.
Content marketing is the creation and distribution of educational and/or entertaining information assets for the purpose of generating brand awareness, traffic, leads and sales. Marketing content is generally free and does not explicitly promote your brand as an ad would.
A content marketing strategy is a plan for building an audience. Elements of content marketing strategy include establishing objectives, audience personas, a value proposition, content marketing mission statement, a buyer journey map, and plans for creating, promoting and analysing how content marketing assets and programs perform.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of using onsite and offsite tactics to help get content presented by a search engine. Done well, the practice increases the quantity and quality of your traffic.
The majority of web traffic is generated by search and those that come by way of search have a greater degree of commercial intent than most other channels.
Local SEO is the process of optimizing your online properties to generate traffic from location-based searches. It helps businesses promote products and services to local customers when they need them.
Keywords are the words and phrases searchers use—usually with search engines—to find relevant pages, images, videos, or any kind of information when looking for answers, knowledge, products, or services. SEO professionals consider keywords and the topics they suggest when optimizing content for search.
This question is the source of endless speculation and debate because search engine companies such as Google will not answer it. Experts generally agree rankings are based on relevance and authority, but the factors that determine them are many—and inconsistent. The best way to achieve a high search engine ranking is to create one of the most thorough web pages possible for a specific keyword or topic.
You can pursue a variety of strategies to earn mentions and links. The three most prolific are likely to be: (1) Secure opportunities to write guest posts on influential blogs (2) Create relationships with influencers in your industry, and (3) Consistently create and promote content worthy of mentions and links.
PPC stands for pay-per-click. Essentially, it’s a way of buying web traffic. Advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Search engine advertising is the most popular form of PPC, however numerous channels including Facebook now offer PPC ad models.
Data-driven marketing refers to having strategies and processes to leverage data to gain deeper insight into what customers want. When you understand the who, what, where, when and why of how consumers respond to your marketing efforts, you’re empowered to make better decisions and further enhance and personalize the customer experience.
Chances are your audience is active on one or more of the major social networks where billions of people spend time daily. Brands that understand the power of social media marketing and commit resources to it can boost awareness, drive traffic, interact with customers, drive sales, build loyalty, and win advocates.
Consider first the top social channels in terms of active users: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Determine where your audience spends their time. Research the demographics and behavioral patterns of the users and consider the type of content you’ll share.
No! Granted, you don’t want to give rise to a social media free-for-all that could confuse your audience. However, you should consider expanding your team with an employee advocacy program designed to empower employees to contribute to the conversation and amplify your brand’s voice.
Email is stronger than ever. It’s more popular than any social media. It’s more private. More personal. More reliable. Most people rely on email and check their inbox multiple times each day. If you want to communicate directly with people who actually grant you permission to market to them, email is marketing is essential.
Google Analytics is a free website analytics platform that gives you insights into how users find and use your website. With Google Analytics, you can track ROI for your online marketing and review important metrics to make informed decisions. The bulk of Google Analytics categorizes data into acquisition, behaviour and conversions.
The simple answer to this complex question is to create value. You need to identify and communicate a promise to your customers that resonates on an emotional level. Start with this question: How can we improve the lives of those we serve?
Consumers are learning to be pretty savvy when they research online. In fact, 75% will judge your credibility based on your website design. That’s why it’s so important to have a modern, up-to-date website with a custom domain and other markers of trustworthiness. A website also shows that you are open for business during a time when there is a lot of uncertainty.
Many small businesses who don’t have a website still rely on Yellow Page ads or traditional advertising to get their name out there. But is purchasing an ad in ever-shrinking and increasingly expensive directory the best use of funds, especially if you’re trying to cut business costs? Websites cost much less than they have in the past and give you a wider reach than regular advertising.
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